i'm sick...
hayfever again, i am so blocked up i cant breathe, my eyeballs feel like they're being forced out of my skull and my throat hurts. Basically im plain miserable.
Apart from feeling like crap, i'm fine - still working, still making deadlines (so far)... and there are more coming soon apparently - i have been pre-warned lol
Feeling pissed off though. Not sure what at exactly, so i'm just taking it out on whatever I feel like at any given time. So far people have been safe, see how i feel tomorrow ;)
So, Cavern. The great political race, the biggest popularity contest of the year. The chance for explorers to boost their egos and suck up to the "powers that be" who are probably gonna end up running against them anyway. Some are thoroughly immersed in their IC personas, some of those personae slip or are tossed aside when inconvenient. Some run because they want to help the community, some think they
are the community and some just wanna hang with the cyantists and add to their name-dropping opportunities.
Its an interesting experiment to watch. Much as i'd love to do it, to be a rep, there's no way i could. I'm simply not popular enough, don't speak enough languages, don't have every intimate detail of D'ni history committed to memory, and wasn't around for Live. All things which seem to be becoming required qualifications. I just like to be there, to share in conversation, offer assistance, play games and explore with the others there. I don't care who's been there longest, who belongs to what guilds or forums or frankly, what people think of me. I
DO care that people are all well taken care of in there, that the "house rules" are followed, that if someone needs help, they get it, and of course i am curious as to what will happen to UU in future...... but i can wait. I have a knack of seeing to the heart of an issue and dealing with it, knowing the right way to communicate in a given situation, live in a timezone that overlaps all other major ones, am self employed and can schedule my time to be there when i need to, and with a few exceptions am generally well liked (i think), just not often thought of lol ;)... but thats not important in this race. I'm not big enough or loud enough to be considered... and exactly the same can be said for so many others in there.
I think what really gets at me though, is that we are
ALL just explorers down there. No matter how popular a person is, how important they have been made or have made themselves, what position they hold on other shards... we are all the same in D'mala. This is a new shard, a new start on equal footing. I have met hundreds of new people, caught up with several others i haven't seen in a while, and seen the same old heirarchy falling right back into place. sad....
...sad but they'll be elected, simply because they always are.