Wednesday, April 12, 2006

tough day

I'm thoroughly sick of the way i let people at work walk all over me!

Yesterday I got a call from one contract, asking if two blinds which weren't previously urgent could be moved up and finished today... not so bad considering they were already started and not huge, so i agreed. That contract is pretty good to me - more work, more respect, more fun, nicer people. They know what I can do (sometimes better than I do myself) and they use it to their advantage... but they also appreciate me and treat me well.

Today while I was at the workroom making those two, the other contract called me on my cell, asking that a blind which was due to be finished on the 19th could be done by the 18th...

....doesn't sound too bad huh? well not until you realise that the 18th is the day after the easter break, and theyre closed over easter... therefore the blind needs to be finished before easter... a.k.a tomorrow.... and this blind is massive (9ft wide x 7ft long) !!

so i got grumpy and stayed that way, fuming under my breath and tying my stomach in knots until - well - until i got to run around in UU after work and talk to people who don't demand the earth of me!

so now its 10.30pm and i've only scratched the surface of what they want me to do, and my attitude just changed. They cant have it tomorrow. They can have it by the end of the easter break as agreed, but only if they arrange to meet me at the store sometime during the break.

They can't do this to me any more. I do it to myself regularly enough via procrastination and overcommitment, but thats MY choice - I will not destroy myself for them. I have done this for them for 3 years now, and its about time they started to show as much loyalty to me as I have to them.

so there

i'm going to sleep


Blogger Rils said...

yeah, that's right, you tell em...

Of course, since they asked, you could have always just sed "no"... :o)

4:34 PM GMT+12  
Blogger Jen said...

hehe well thats true, except for two things...

1: i thought at the time that there was a chance i would have to run off to Christchurch to help a friend

2: im crap at saying no to work lol - must work on that....

10:30 PM GMT+12  

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